Character Name: Ruination / Class: Barbarian (Zealot) / Background: Ruined (Alert) Lineage: Tiefling (Zariel) / Alignment: Lawful Neutral / Height: 6'4" (193cm) / Age: 23 Favored Weapon: Catastrophe, adamantine claymore that can withstand her strength.

Background; Ruin's parents, the day before her birth, drew a card from the Deck of Many when meeting a traveling merchant passing through town. The card they drew tore their lives apart, caused their child to be born a devil, and nearly wiped the fishing village of Creek's Run off the face of the Earth. From the ashes of her family's corpses, infant Ruin crawled forth, was shunned by the townsfolk, and left to raise herself. Traveling across the country, taking jobs wherever they could be found, chasing redemption for a crime committed unto her by others..

Personality; Ruin is hurt, and broken. But this pain has forged her into a furious warrior, sending her down the path of the Barbarian. Though this is not without positive, as the Fallen Angel appeared to the Tiefling in a dream -- Zariel, once holy and now broken, gives Ruin hope that she too may become more than the Red Scar of Creek's Run. Despite this aspiration, she knows others will shun her, and sees most people as threats to avoid.

Abilities; Zariel's Champion -- Ruin's connection to The Redeemed can temporarily empower her blows with radiant fire, the use of which has turned her claymore a burnished color. It also grants her body a permanent resistance to the effects of flame and heat.

Warrior Zealot -- When Ruin struggles, she can call on the rage of Zariel for a time, empowering her physical form. As well, Ruin can spread her strength to others through battle. / So long as Zariel's rage lives within Ruin, she cannot be killed by conventional means. If she does die and is brought back to life through magic, Zariel's power will pay the spell's cost. In turn, Ruin cannot be turned into an Undead.

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